jeudi 21 février 2008

My, as well as our, dear Mister President Obama.

My, as well as our, dear Mister President,

After a fight not having its equal with the brothers of the Cabal Verdadera Masonry and Universal Masonry of Great Britain and Scotland, I can assure you that you shall win the election to the office ofPresident of the United States.

You are the unique candidate who cangive back honor and prestige to the United States of America which have been tarnished by the Bush administration. For reasons of which you are well aware, the "all time cheat" of the powerful lobbies could well again happen, thus eliminating, momentarily, your chances of being elected.

However, you need not worry because you shall remain the real representative of your people, of your country and of the rest of the world which believes in andstrives for democracy and the liberties for which we fought. We also believe in a sense of responsibility, including yours.

I regret not to be able to inform you personally of the following, butyou are certainly aware of the reaons which keep me here inSwitzerland. I noted that you did not use the information enclosed inthe letter I sent to Ms Hillary Rodham, in September-October 1993. The letter was sent "registered mail" from the Postal Office, PlaceWilson, Nice, France, and was received by the White House whichapposed its official seal on the return receipt.

My letter informed MsRodham of the preparations which lead, eight years leater, to thehorror of September 11, 2001, information which she should havecommunicated to her husband, President of the United States at thattime.

My condition as an "Italian political refugee in Switzerland" createsgreat problems for me. Manuela Birgit, my wife and an Americancitizen, can do no more for me and the US Embassy in Bern wants tohear nothing about my case after having received notice from thegregarious followers of President Bush.

Good luck to "our" future President. My wife and I have great hopesthat once you are elected President, our dramatic situation willchange. We have no doubt about your ethics and your honorability.

My wife and I extend to you and your family our warmest greetings.

Prof. Alessandro and Madam Manuela Birgit Vanno de' Vanni di Roccabianca

Rue de Rothschild 19,

CH-1202 Geneva, Switzerland-

Dr Ratatouille - Diaporama lecteurs 33 sur L'Internaute Insolite

Dr Ratatouille - Diaporama lecteurs 33 sur L'Internaute Insolite

vendredi 1 février 2008

Alessandro Vanno de’Vanni





To be given to Congress of the United States of America

Dear Mr. Gonzales,

I have always worked with « intelligence » organizations linked to the United States of America (USA) and have always respected the principles of liberty and the fundamental rights of man as written down in the Constitution of the USA. I ask therefore to be auditioned by the competent commissions of Congress so as to verify the veracity of my declarations concerning

1. the attack made on the US Marines of the Peace Force in Lebanon in 1983 where 250 US citizens lost their lives ;

2. the terrorist plane attacks on the Twin Towers, September 11, 2001.

It was with a great sense of responsibility that I supplied the US, Italian and French authorities with information on these two events, respectively months and years before they took place. However, my warnings were in vain.

I also informed the Italian authorities of the terrible responsibility of certain national institutions which had planed and executed acts of terrorism which had killed and maimed many innocent victims, such as the attack on the Bologna train station in 1980.

Also in the 1980s, my US « intelligence colleagues » asked me to encourage the Italian Minister of Defense to modernize the fleet of military aircraft and bombardiers. They did not want to assume this responsibility directly and found in me the perfect advocate. After a ten-year minitious preparation, my purposed was attained when I publicly announced the obsolete, dangerous and costly aircraft fleet of the Italian Air Force. The consequences of this scandal, in which billions of dollars were stolen by political parties, by the Minister of Defense and by superior officers of the Italian Military Forces, and which had lead to the construction of war planes in a partnership with Brazil, obliged the Italian government to change their air fleet and purchase the F16 and/or F18 from the United States.

However, the Italian government also had to change the motors of the « Brazilian » planes with Rolls-Royce motors and modify the armament systems as well as all the electronic devices. The total cost of the acquisition and modification of the « Brazilian » airplanes cost the Italian tax payers almost 50 million dollars for each air plane !

My rending public the corruption of the Italian military forces clearly exposed me to great danger. Attacks upon my life were made on three occasions, the most serious one being a car « accident » in 1991 (my car was pushed over a cliff by a huge black station wagon). It was a miracle that I remained alive but I had over thirty broken bones and stayed paralyzed for six months !

Upon the advice of US intelligence officers, I left Italy in December 1992 when the Italian secret services (Sismi) and the Ministry of Defense were ready to arrest me for reasons which were perfectly ridiculous and entirely invented. I was ultimately declared innocent, except for a « detail » which was of interest to the Italian Military and for which I was condemned to a 10 months’ prison sentence. I decided to leave Italy and traveled to Nice, France and Barcelona, Spain until I returned to Italy in January 1994 since I had received notice that all charges against me had been dropped. However it was a trap. I was arrested on January 9, 1994, sent to the prison of Regina Coeli where I was kept in solitary confinement and tortured until my release from prison in August-September 1994 when I was put under house arrest. I had gone on a hunger strike for 40 days and the authorities were afraid of the reaction my possible death would provoke.

Again, in 1997, I was advised by US military officers to leave the country. The Italian secret services (Sismi) had given Judge Cherubini of the Court for Minors (a special court whose existence can be traced back to the time of fascism and which escapes all democratic control) the order to arrest me and place me in a mental institution ! I decided to go to Vienna, Austria, where I was under the protection of the Vatican, in order to submit myself to various psychiatrical, psychological, neurological and psychosomatical tests in specialized university clinics. The results of these tests evidenced that I was in perfect mental condition and a psychologically stable person. I sent the results of these tests back to Italy. The judge who had given the order to arrest me and put me in a mental institution was « eliminated ». After my return to Italy, I stayed in the house of Ms Anna Maria Angelotti Fileccia whose lived in the Park of Marcigliana. There I was in permanent contact with the US military forces who warned me that an assassination was planned to eliminate me.

In March 2000, I decided to definitely leave my country and all my possessions and asked Switzerland for political asylum, as provided for by the Geneva Convention of 1951 and the Rome Convention of 1950 and all their subsequent ratifications.

Switzerland maintains me in a condition of « imprisonment » for the past seven years and deprives me of all my human and social rights such as the sequestering of my passport and all my documents.

The Italian consulate in Geneva informed all the Italian regional associations as well as Italian nationals with whom I had relationships that they should avoid all contact with me. I have been branded as a « very dangerous » person and as a « professional killer ». Rumors have it that I am a false political refugee and a « dangeous mafioso » ! All these manœuvres are naturally intended to isolate me.

You will find here enclosed a letter I wrote to the President of the Council of Europe in which I evidenced the illegal actions of Switzerland since no one can be deprived of his identity and of his freedom of movement (1). Mr Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, replied to my letter by saying that activities contrary to international law committed by Switzerland are a « private affair » which cannot be judged by the Court of Justice of the European Union ! Apparently the Council of Europe is composed of villains who wash their hands like Pontius Pilatus.

To overcome this blockade, I sent a petition to the European Union to ask its government composed of the European countries, to take this affair into its hands since the European Union must respect the Convention of Rome and the Declaration of human rights. Countries which do not comply must be judged and if they are found responsible, should be eliminated from the European Union. I am sending you herewith the petition (2) which I sent to the President of the European Parliament, M. Hans-Gert Pöttinger, in Italian (an English translation is in preparation).

The United States of America has observers in the Council of Europe as well as in the European Union. Instructed by your honor, they have the possibility to intervene on my behalf in these two institutions. Your country and your military industry know well all that I did in behalf of the freedom, the security and human rights in your country and in the rest of the free world, although my actions were often accomplished outside official rules and regulations. Your country now has the possibility to pay back its debt to me. I only ask that my fundamental rights be respected and that I be allowed to live the life of a free man.

Professor Charles A. Kupchan, expert for the Council of Foreign Relations and professor at Georgetown University, declares that “the security of the United States will come from a political Europe capable of asserting its values and of defending its interests in a complex and unstable world.” However Europe is represented by men and women that are traitors to its founding values of democracy, freedom and human rights and will thus never be able to defend the interests of the United States and the civilized world.

I will be grateful for any actions your country might undertake to help me achieve that aim.

Alessandro Vanno de’Vanni

Geneva, 22nd June 2007

Attached : My letter to the President of the Council of Europe

My letter to the President of the Parliament European Union

Avenue de Bel-Air 47A, CH-1225 Chêne-Bourg/Geneva, Switzerland

jeudi 31 janvier 2008


Aux Commissions de la Gestion et du Contrôle parlementaire de l’Administration Fédérale Helvétique

A l’attention de l’attention courtoise et personnelle de MM

Président et Vice Présidents

Jean-Paul Glasson

Hansruedi Stadler

Pierre-François Veillon

Hans Hess

Et à l’attention personnelle de Mesdames et Messieurs les Membres de ces Commissions


N.B. Ceci est une traduction libre, l’original en langue italienne fait foi.

Genève, le 13 septembre 2007

Je soussigné Alessandro Vanno des Princes Vanni, Marquis de Roccabianca, citoyen italien né à Rome en 1941 et résidant à Genève, muni du permis “E” en tant que requérant “d’asile politique” depuis mars 2000, marié avec Madame Manuela Birgit Vanno, née Dahm en 1943, citoyenne des Etats-Unis d’Amérique et citoyenne helvétique par mariage,


l’intervention immédiate des Commissions de la Gestion et du Contrôle parlementaire de l’Administration Fédérale Helvétique afin d’identifier et d’exclure de toute activité gouvernementale et des administrations publique les personnes ayant agit et qui agissent ENCOE contre les lois et la Constitution Helvétique et contre les Conventions des droits internationaux que la Suisse a signés et ratifiés, tels que le « Respect des Droits de l’Homme ».

Je précise que vos lois et les Conventions Internationales sont ignorées et bafouées de manière ignoble par ces personnes que je DENONCE publiquement par cet acte, en demandant que soit restauré et respecté l’Etat de Droit, respect qui est dû à tous les citoyens suisses comme à moi-même qui suis une des victimes de ceux que je dénonce.

Les documents dont je joins copie, tels que les lettres à Monsieur Christoph Blocher, Ministre du Département Fédéral de Justice et Police, au Responsable de l’Office des Migrations à Berne, comme à leurs “antennes” au Tribunal Fédéral de Lausanne, de Lucerne et de Bellinzona, ainsi qu’à Monsieur le Procureur Général Fédéral et MM les Procureurs Généraux Cantonaux, ainsi qu’aux autorités des gouvernements cantonaux de Genève (voir Maître Bertossa) et de Vaud, inclus les autorités médicales nommées, donnent une idée, même limitée, de l’ampleur de la corruption et des intérêts personnels qui interagissent dans mon histoire, mettant en lumière le fait qu’aucun citoyen suisse ou étranger qui s’adresse aux autorités publiques suisses, peut se sentir en sécurité et peut faire valoir le droit sacré de la loi, alors qu’il se trouve dans un pays civilisé muni d’institutions solides.

Une personne digne de foi, occupant un poste de niveau international, m’a averti que Monsieur Blocher, votre Ministre de la Justice, a parlé de mon cas avec le Procureur Général (General Attorney) des Etats-Unis, M. Gonzales, juste avant son “éloignement ignominieux” de toute charge gouvernementale, promettant de « me réduire au silence» (peut-être en planifiant ma mort comme cela a déjà été tenté à l’Hôpital Cantonal de Genève ?) en échange d’avantages pour sa personne comme pour ses entreprises.

On m’a également informé que certains « juges » fédéraux ont évalué mon cas comme ils ont évalué l’histoire de ma famille, suivant les “ordres” imposés et non le respect de la loi. Mes confidents ont souligné que tous mes mouvements (comme ceux de ma famille) sont soumis au contrôle minutieux et que nous sommes pousse a « morte certaine » au moyen de “tortures psychologiques” qui sont appliqués de manière notoire par des états scélérats et dictatoriaux.

Dans le cas exposé, la Suisse paraît être un “Etat scélérat” qui applique la peine de mort à des innocents, sans la sentence d’un tribunal et d’un jury, ce qui représente un grave déshonneur pour son peuple.


- j’invite les Commissions de la Gestion et du Contrôle Parlementaire de l’Administration Fédérale Helvétique de se réapproprier la tutelle de l’Etat et du Peuple Suisse, en concédant à ma personne ainsi qu’à ma famille la juste et due “dignité d’êtres humains”, qui est à protéger et défendre de toute action de persécution et d’abus de la part des autorités gouvernementales ;

- j’invite les Commissions de la Gestion et du Contrôle Parlementaire de l’Administration Fédérale Helvétique d’accepter les faits, démontrés par des documents inattaquables, et de restituer au peuple suisse les droits de mon don sur les études de nouvelles applications et de soins médicaux ;

- j’invite les Commissions de la Gestion et du Contrôle Parlementaire de l’Administration Fédérale Helvétique à m’écouter au sujet de ventes d’informations réservées de caractère interne et international de la part de « hautes personnalités de l’Etat » ;

- j’invite les Commissions de la Gestion et du Contrôle Parlementaire de l’Administration Fédérale Helvétique de réfuter toute forme de compromis ou de “raisons d’Etat” de la Suisse civile e neutre avec l’Arme des Carabiniers, responsables et mandataires de massacres et de la mort de milliers de vies innocentes, comme ceux du Corps des Marines et des Légionnaires français au Liban, à Nassirija en Irak et à la station ferroviaire de Bologne en Italie, tout comme la persécution contre ma personne et contre ma famille, en déterminant « l’autorité suisse » qui les protège et qui protègent ainsi les homicides commis pour contrôler militairement et « de manière occulte » mon pauvre pays, en échange d’argent de d’avantages personnelles, ce qui révèle l’existence de traitre parmi les dirigeants politiques et administratifs helvétiques ;

- je rappelle aux Commissions de la Gestion et du Contrôle Parlementaire de l’Administration Fédérale Helvétique mes hautes mérites, ma lutte de plus de quarante ans contre toute forme de violence et de terrorisme, les hautes finalités humaines et sociales de mon travail et la vaste documentation médico-scientifique déposée auprès de votre Département Fédéral de la “Justice”, qui prouvent ma parfaite santé mentale, mon équilibre psychique et ma capacité de séparer parfaitement le juste de l’injuste, protégeant en toute circonstance la vie humaine et les droits de l’homme.

Copie de ce document sera envoyée à tous les représentants des Chambres fédérales helvétiques, afin qu’ils soient informés des faits et pour leur permettre d’agir en conséquence. Je leur demanderai de prendre connaissance de tous mes documents, y compris de ma “Pétition” envoyé au Parlement Suisse en juin 2007.

Conformément à ma volonté d’obtenir le respect de mes droits et de ma vie, je demande que ma “position juridique” soit régularisée, après près de huit années de souffrances et de persécutions de la part de ceux que j’ai nommés plus haut.

Veuillez agréer, Messieurs, mes salutations distinguées.

Alessandro Vanno de’ Vanni

Avenue de Bel-Air 47 A, 1225 Chêne-Bourg